Company Database

Looking for a business partner abroad?

If you want to reach new customers or clients, want to analyse the market or send mailings, you can request an address list.

The company database provides addresses of companies, manufacturers as well as traders, tailored to meet your own requirements (economic branches, number of employees, postal code areas, chamber districts etc.).

Please note: there may be a fee for these services. For further information please contact the corresponding Chamber of Commerce:

Industrie- und Handelskammer Aachen
Dr. Gunter Schaible
Phone: +49 (0)241-4460225
Industrie- und Handelskammer Eupen - Malmedy - St. Vith
Roland Hagelstein
Phone: + 32 (0)87-555963
Chambre de Commerce et d`Industrie de Liège-Verviers-Namur
Anne Pirlet
Phone: +32 (0)87-293621
Voka – Kamer van Koophandel Limburg
Cathérine Dreesen
Phone:  +32 (0)11-560200
  Kamer van Koophandel Nederland
Phone: +31 (0)88-5851585